Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers (Project 4)

Well, it's time to post what I have. At this point, this version is nearly a final draft because the assignment is due this evening. However, if I happen to get any critical peer reviews I will definitely do my best to update this with such suggestions. So, here is what I have:

My Project

As for answering some questions:

  • I would like peer reviewers to know that creating a video essay was a new task for me. I've never made one before. It turns out that the best software I could find was the iMovie, which uses Apple (clearly). I rarely if ever use Macintosh computers, so the whole experience was pretty difficult for me. At the end of the day, getting the technology part down is half of the challenge and I recognize that, but this was pretty rough for me.

  • Major weaknesses in this cut include the fact that there aren't as many video clips versus still frames as I would like. Most of the movie involves images with voiceovers and occasional text overlays, but not a whole lot of moving video fragments made the cut.

  • Major strengths include...Well, I'm not sure that this is an exceptionally strong video essay in most regards, and that's mostly because I'm a novice who spent a lot of time figuring out how to do every small bit of the video. However, I feel like the greatest strength of this project was how much I learned in terms of making videos. I believe that in future projects I'll truly have a good understanding of where to start, whereas I really had no idea how people made Youtube videos that weren't simply video podcasts. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eyal! I really enjoyed watching your video essay! I thought you did a really nice job going through each aspect of the class like the projects and the blog posts, and how you felt about each one. I would suggest that if you have time to change anything, then maybe just add how you felt about writing in general before taking this class, and how it changed. Overall, nice job!
