Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15A

Well, I've already posted the nearly-final draft of what I have, so there have been plenty of edits and changes since the last time I blogged about it. Without further ado, then, I'll go over one such edit in detail:

  • Since my project has been finalized, I don't have small individual clips to present for the editorial report. However, I can say that initially my introduction included a long video segment of me talking. I decided that there was no need to do a video podcast like that in a video essay. 

  • Instead, I replaced this video with still images that helped move along my description of the projects we had done. Although I typically don't like replacing video with still images, I think this helps the video essay become more of a story (book) and less of me just talking into a video camera and calling it an essay, which I think is not a typical genre convention when done excessively. 

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