Friday, April 15, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

It's time to publish what I have, which isn't much quite yet. I've included a working hyperlink to my rough draft essay right here. I'll briefly go over what I expect next week and the post-production process to look like:

  • I want anyone reading my essay to know that it's still a work-in-process. There are  a lot of revisions necessary, and I even plan a little bit more research before I really have a working rough draft done. With that in mind, I know that i'll have a busy week ahead.

  • In the rough cut, I think the biggest weakness right now is clarity and length. I know what my topic is about: the decline in college preparedness among freshmen entering college today. However, the details of how I will prove this argument is still being worked out, and the essay itself is not long enough as is right now. 

  • As for strengths in the rough cut, I felt that I did a good job of introducing the topic. My introduction paragraph was worked on extensively and I think I incorporated myself into the essay with losing the academic tone necessary for a standard college essay. I think it's important in this paper for the audience to know that I have a stake and a fairly unique perspective, so that this isn't simply a paper from the perspective of a professor or a student exclusively. 

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