Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflections on the Editing Week for Project 3

I'm feeling pretty good about getting several blog posts done, and this is certainly an imporveoment over last week where I got a zero on several assignments. However, I still have quite a ways to go to finish a solid draft of my essay, and several other students already have a completed draft uploaded to their blogs. With that in mind, I'll go over the week in a bit more detail:

  • As for successes, I found that completing the blog posts was a pretty big task. They take a while to write and I don't really enjoy them--I find them a bit irrelevant for the final product. However, completing them is a huge factor for my grade so I am glad they got done.

  • I was also presenetd with some challanges this week. Namely, it was difficult to complete editorial reports considering I had relatively little of my essay complete. However, I feel confident that this Sunday and upcoming week I will be completing a solid rough draft that will allow me to focus on revisions over the weekend. 

  • For me, next week is crunch time. There isn't much time to get the essay done, and I would like to accumulate a couple more sources before I really dig into the rough draft. Thus, this week will entail doing a bit more research and completing a solid draft. Then, this weekend, I will revise and complete the project for final submission the following Sunday.

  • At this point, I'm a bit nervous but mostly feeling like I want to get moving. I know that completing blog posts next week plus moving forward in the project will require a lot of work. I also have multiple final exams for labs, and additional lab reports and a must-pass Hebrew proficiency exam that are all required for graduation. Thus, I know that English can't be my top priority, but I hope that I can still complete a solid end product with the spare time I have. 

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