Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review 13B

For this peer review, I focused on Ben Barnett's edit as described in his 13th editorial report (link). There is no title yet to his project, because it is not a final draft, but the blog itself was titles Editorial Report 13. I focused on content in this review.

  • I thought Ben did a great job of explaining a fairly difficult topic--the energy release in nuclear reactors--using layman's terms. Since his audience likely includes peers like us, who are for the most poart unfamiliar with the nuclear energy business, it was very important to find a way to avoid jargon. I was very impressed with this and it made me realize how important it is it to take the time and explain your topic in simple terms that are readily understood.

  • If I have any critique, it's that Ben's cut is a bit difficult to put into context. This may become much clearer when I can read the entire essay, but it's unclear to what extent the energy release in a nuclear reactor really proves that certain terrorist cells can or can't create weapons-grade nuclear warfare. It would be nice to see more evidence focused on this aspect of the content. 

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