Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review 13A

  • I don't have a lot of time left since I also need to complete my project by tonight! However, I went ahead and did a peer review of Alec Eulano's QRG titled 'An unpopular opinion protecting unpopular opinions'. A link to the actual essay in hyperlinked above! In my review, I focus on the form of the guide, and whether it matches the conventions of a QRG.

  • I particularly liked the layout. Right away, there were photos showing a vocal battle between two groups of protestors. The image gave a sense of the topic (about protection of speech in contreversial issues) and also made it clear that this wasn't simply a standard college essay. There were several images throughout the QRG, as well as some blown-up quotes. 
  • However, since a QRG often references statistics, it would have been nice to see a graphical representation or some tabulated data that is referred to in the actual project. Overall, I really enjoyed reading the QRG, and I admired the way it included a lot of images to back up the written content. It made me realize that my lriginal QRG lacked some of those graphical interfaces that keep the reader's attention.

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