Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production 8a

In this post, I begin to complete the tasks that I discussed earlier. A portion of my previous outline discussed evidence from Dr. Armstrong that demonstrates the way Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms are being used by medical researchers to discuss their up-to-date research findings. I've posted an excerpt from this outline below:

The Outline's Excerpt:
  • Evidence: Dr. Armstrong uses many informal outlets (blog, Twitter, Facebook). These do not focus on his personal life, but instead are often links to ongoing diabetic foot research and occasionally to his own work as well. (Use clip of Dr. Armstrong describing facebook as a tool to reach a larger audience and make them aware of ways to avoid ulceration,etc.)

Below, I've linked to a clip from Dr. Armstrong that discusses the way he uses social media in his day-to-day professional life:

There are two key points I want to address regarding the clip:
  1. First, the free-wheeling style that shows an extended clip from Dr. Armstrong's interview lets his voice shine through. Although at other points in the podcast I will try to let my own decisions strongly shape the content, I wanted to give Armstrong a chance to describe the importance of social media on his own terms.
  2. The process of creating this content was fairly straightforward. I have found a program that allows me high editorial control for what I'm doing. Although I haven't dubbed background music into this particular session, I have not had any trouble in doing so for other pieces. It will still be necessary to trim down this content as it is currently far too long. 

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