Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Production Schedule

It's time to begin planning out how the actual podcast will be executed. Here is a list of some steps I plan to take to fulfill the outline obligations:

What is Done Date Location Resources Needed Date Completed
Review the two interviews. Look for key clips from DGA interview showing poster presentations, oral conferences and peer-reviewed manuscripts are key genres. Edit GarageBand to exclude digression/stories that aren't relevant

11-Mar Library Desktop Macintosh, GarageBand, iPhone interview clips sent to email
Include my own interview of the topic. So far, I only have interviews from my two interviewees. I'l need to introduce the purpose of the podcast and lead into the primary sources.

21-Mar Library iPhone, study space, noise-free environment
Lay over Music and background effects: there should be no eerie, noiseless background between speakers. This will require multiple layers on GarageBand, and I don't currently have the know-how to execute this.

25-Mar Library Desktop Macintosh, GarageBand, Speaking to library personnel if necessary, researching on YouTube for information
Include my secondary sources: published journals and other workable genres need to be tied into the primary sources (i.e. the interviews). This requires major editing. 26-Mar Library Desktop Macintosh, iPhone, GarageBand

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