Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on the Editing Process for Project 2

It's time to reflect and look back on the work accomplished so far for Project 2. At this point, I have several edited clips that I've meshed together into a basic podcast that is ready for more precise editing next week. Let's jump right into the audience questions:

  • I have successfully completed a couple clips that highlight my interviews with Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Achenbach. The two clips I've shown are still relatively raw footage of the actual interviews, but I was able to successfully place them onto an AudioCast Player and begin the editing process. At this point, I have the tools to continue cutting and pasting clips, adding background music, and performing transitions between segments.

  • I still have quite a ways to go, and this will present a challenge. The current clips I have are primarily raw footage of the interviews I conducted along with some introductory music and rudimentary transitions. This is nowhere near a final product, so there is a still a lot of work to do. However, I have taken a lot of time this week to learn the skills I need to apply some editing work next week.

  • With that in mind, next week should be a lot smoother. The hardest part of this project was mastering the audio podcast format. Specifically, I needed to self-teach myself the editing and software skills necessary to make a podcast where I have control over the content (rather than using large blocs of interview and allowing it to control me). At this point, I am ready to move forward.

  •  Although most of the project remains ahead, I feel like what remains is fairly easy to accomplish. As I mentioned above, the hardest part was gaining the know-how to complete the assignment. At this point, I simply need to get things done, and I'm not too worried about that!

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