Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reflection on Editing the Interviews

The week is over and the interviews are complete. It's time to reflect on how things went so far:

  • As for successes: the interviews provided a lot of good, raw content that is relevant to the topic. Dr. Armstrong discussed the way the genres you use may change over the course of your career, as the physician researcher transitions away from writing the specific content to organizing the overall studies. Additionally, Nicole showed the clinical side of medical communication that was less focused on research goals.

  • What about the challenges? Besides completing the interviews, I did not get a chance to begin the editorial process yet. Because of that, I don't have a lot of content to begin organizing and meshing together in GarageBand. Thus, there's a lot of work left to be done in subsequentl weeks, including the need to learn how to use the software I'm working with. I've never had to do such extensive editing in a non-writing based medium, so I expect this to be difficult moving forward.

  • Thinking towards next week, it'll be important to learn how to work with GarageBand, or to search for PC alternatives that may be easier for me to work with (because I'm not particularly accustomed to Macintosh either). Additionally, I'll need to think about how to mesh together the primary source materials with the information I gathered from secondary sources.

  • I'm mostly concerned about the technological barriers for this project. Actually portraying to the listener/audience  the various genres used in medical research shouldn't be a big problem. In other words, the content will be fine. However, the form is difficult: creating a 10-minute, well-edited podcast will require some tech skills that I don't currently possess. All in all, I'm aware that it'll be a burden to complete this project, but I could see it providing some usable skills for the future, too.

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