Saturday, March 26, 2016

Peer Review 9B

For my first peer review, I focused on Cheyenne's podcast (linked to here). I decided to focus on the form of the podcast itself. Since it was posted on the Google Drive, I wrote my comments as part of this blog:

  • Cheyenne's podcast (which is untitled at this time) focused on the various genres used by both Spanish lecturers and researchers. She focused specifically on book reviews, book chapters and articles--which embody the typical type of writing done by Spanish language professors in her field. An important component of the form for a podcast is its use of background music, introductions and inflection in the voice. I think it was very clear that Cheyenne was enthusiastic about the topic and it clearly reflected in the current product. Her enunciation was clear and the purpose of the podcast was fully described and could be understood by listeners outside of our classroom as well.

  • My suggestion for improvement would be that Cheyenne may wish to narrow the focus of her study a bit. The podcast feels a tiny bit scattered simply because there are many directions which she delves into. Since the focus of this project is exclusively on the genres used and the rhetorical strategies these genres employ, it could easily be toned down a bit. Also, I think the background music could be turned up a bit as there is typically a bit of white noise going on in most podcasts that I listen to. 

  • The guide places a heavy emphasis on tone as it relates to form. I think that in this particular aspect Cheyenne really shined, and it inspired me to get out of the monotone voice that I had been using for the podcast and try to portray my enthusiasm a bit more. We all had the opportunity to talk about the topic/field we were most interested, so it should be a fairly easy adjustment to make. 

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