Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

It's time to post a rough draft so that everyone can see what's been done. Without further ado, here it is:

You may be wondering what I'm hoping to get out of the peer reviews. Well:
  • First, I want people to know that this is still a work in process. I'm aware that there are some moments that cut out and fade in at inappropriate times. Although helping me be aware of those is definitely helpful, I would still prefer some alternative feedback as well.

  • As for some major weaknesses, I think I will want to add additional clips from Dr. Achenbach. She is still underrepresented in the podcast, and my goal is to make both voices heard equally. Namely, I'd like Dr. Armstrong (who is representing medical research) and Dr. Achenbach (who is representing the experiences of a clinican) to have equal say in the times of genres that they are using on a regular basis. I expect that these will be quite different.

  • As for things that are going well: I am quite pleased with the amount of footage I currently have. The podcast is already reasonable in length, and htere is more to come. This should make the editing process a lot simpler, because I think it's easier to cut down on a long product then to try to squeak by with enough content on something that is too short. 

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