Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production 8b

In this post, I continue to work on transforming the outline into audio content. Today, I focused on editing the raw content from my interview with Dr. Nicole Achenbach, an orthopedic physical therapist at Desert Palms Clinic in Tucson, AZ. Below is the outline excerpt that I'm focusing on:

  • Evidence: Nicole Achenbach, a clinician, has yet to expand into medical research at all even though she is considering it within a hospital setting. (Use clip of her discussion of the role of a clinician's note)
    •  Her role as a writer and publisher is still limited to private, internal dissemination with the intent of performing medical professionals directly collaborating with her. There is yet to be a wider audience.

  • In this audio clip, I discuss with Nicole the role that writing plays in her day-to-day work environment. This is an opportunity to highlight the different genres used by practicioners like Dr. Armstrong, who are medical researchers, and clinicians like Nicole, who research far less frequently. The edited clip was uploaded to SoundCloud and is linked to below:

Audience Questions
  1. To meet the expected genre conventions of a podcast, I included introductory music to transition into the interview. I also carefully selected clips that maintained the focus of my interview, this allowed the form to help transition from the beginning of the podcast where the theme is introduced to the raw content involving my interview with Nicole. 
  2. The production of this section was fairly straightforward. The content is still a bit raw, but the combination of the two clips I created in Production 8a and 8b have given me a decent start on the editing process. 

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