Friday, March 25, 2016

Editorial Report 9A

This week, I've been focused on revamping my work that I posted about a few days ago. Today, I'm gonna sample a bit of audio that has been worked on. First, I'll start by quickly reminding you of the past product, and show you how it has changed this week:

Selection from a rough cut
Here is a link to a clip from last week's rough podcast: Rough Cut

Re-Edited Selection
Now, here is a link to this week's clip with some new segments: New and Improved!

So, what are the content changes? First of all, I whittled down Dr. Armstrong's interview from an aggregiously long 13-minutes to a far more palatable 2 minute clip. It's still likely a bit too long, but I believe what remains of the interview can be broken apart throughout the podcast but maintained in its entirety, because it's all relevant.

How about the changes in form? I also included an introductory 30 second bit that slowly fades out at the beginning, much as most podcasts have an intro musical segment. I also transitioned out of Armstrong's interview with a similar increase in musical intensity followed by a fade out, and then the beginning of a new segment.

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